Restore Brick, Brick cleaning and Stone restoration


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Practical Information.

These type of works are generally the first stage in improving a property. If you are employing and architect or project manager/surveyor they should anticipate that access would be provided by scaffolding (we at Restore can arrange for a competitive quote separately), and that after our works that you could use this scaffold to access redecoration, roofing and other repairs/improvements.

Be aware of practical considerations such as;

· During brick cleaning the paint work of windows etc may not be disturbed, but from a practical point of view all the dirt we remove runs off over the window sills etc, and as scaffold is in place, and this cleaning is to improve the appearance, a coat of paint would be well recommended to help brighten the general presentation.
During paint removal works, we use paint stripper so to remove the unwanted paint. Neighbouring paint on windows, cills, doors (even neighbours window cills, door surrounds,etc) most likely will be affected, and redecoration will be required. (We are happy to undertake decorating at a seperate cost, see our decorating section)

·Sometimes, if the pointing between brickwork is so weak that running your hand across loosens it, then the action of the brushes applying the chemicals, and the spraying off of the loosened dirt may remove some pointing, and require you to organise patch pointing, or even repointing (a lot of developers will deliberately repoint even moderately good pointing so as to present a fresh even appearance)

·Additionally we affix timber battens on the edge of the building (on neighbours’ side) and you may need to allow to make good these holes.

· Are there any delicate or valuable plants under or very near the area to be cleaned that you would prefer to move in case they are disturbed. Remember our team carrying out the cleaning will be in chemical wet gear, wellies, etc, they don't always know what they are standing on.

· In a practical sense you will be commissioning and paying a contractor to spray water at you building, possibly at angles not normal with rain. Ensure holes are plugged, lift curtains from window sills, or even remove very light or valuable curtains or blinds just for the duration of the cleaning. Same applies to carpets, as a guide lift them back 1 foot from windows, similarly move furniture, stereos a little back from windows etc.

· We unfortunately cannot be liable for disruption to paint.

· It would be wise to alert your neighbours of the commencement of works, and where a path surface that might be effected by the chemicals abuts the area to be cleaned it would be wise to cover this, (£50 for a 10ft path), this is done on your risk.

· We recommend that alarm boxes, associated cables, entryphones, telephone junctions, cables etc, be removed prior to cleaning, by client, if not removed we will where practical plastic these areas, but do not accept responsibility for water ingress, disruption, etc.

· Location of the washing equipment we use (a large washer on wheels, 1m x 1.5m), will have to sit on a lawn, basement, path etc.

The above information is given, not to frighten clients away, but to give practical information on the carrying out of a job, and what to expect from Restore, and what to expect for yourself. From previous experience we find that if we set out what is involved and the risks attached, that nothing untoward occurs, and this also ensures that both parties be more careful.
If there are UPVC windows (plastic) near the areas to be stripped, we cannot be responsible for any staining to these windows, although we will attempt to protect these as best as possible, including application of duct/gaffer tape to the sides of the windows, plastic adhered to this with duct/gaffer tape applied on top of this again. We would ask that you inspect these protection works on completion of same, or to carry out any other alterations which you see fit to same. In the event of the chemicals effecting this, we would suggest that the white could be touched up with paint by yourselves later.

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Restore , Eldon House, 43 Church Rd, Wimbledon, SW19 5DQ
Tel : 020 8286 3579, email :
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